Do you recall those graffiti on walls advertising an herbal ingredient to enhance male libido or vendors at tourist places selling promising ingredients for better sexual performance?

Have you ever wondered what actually these ingredients offer to enhance male libido?

These ingredients help enhance the testosterone levels which will in turn improves the sexual performance in males.

What is testosterone?

Testosterone is the main sex hormones in males, but females also produce some, along with the main female sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone. It’s a steroid hormone, produced by men in the testicles and in women’s ovaries. The adrenal glands also produce small amounts of testosterone. Having a certain level of testosterone in the body is important for both males and females.

Women don’t need as high levels of testosterone in the body as men, but the right level is important for similar functions as in men, such as sex drive and leaner body composition.

Healthy levels of testosterone are important for general health, a healthy body composition, sexual function (low levels are associated with erectile dysfunction), protection from cardiovascular disease and many other functions. (See the list below for other conditions associated with low testosterone levels.) Testosterone is one of the main hormones that leads the physical changes in boys’ bodies when they go through puberty. These include increased muscle mass, a deeper voice and hair growth. In adults, studies show a link between low testosterone and obesity, increased disease risk and premature death.

Low Testosterone Levels

Decreases in testosterone can lead to physical changes including the following:

  • lowered sex drive
  • erectile dysfunction
  • increased body fat
  • raised bad cholesterol levels
  • decreased strength/mass of muscles
  • fragile bones
  • decreased body hair
  • swelling/tenderness in the breast tissue
  • hot flushes (similar to the female menopause)
  • increased fatigue
  • problems sleeping
  • shrinking of testicles.

Factors affecting Testosterone levels

Inadequate sleep – Insufficient sleep lowers testosterone levels and leads to fat gain.

Weight gain – If you gain a lot of weight, particularly fat gain, there will be a drop in testosterone levels. However, the good news is that if you lose this fat, your testosterone level will boost up again. Try these Weight Loss Supplements.

Exercise – especially resistance training can raise testosterone levels for 15–30 minutes after exercise. In the long run also, resistance training can benefit testosterone production by improving body composition and reducing insulin resistance.

Ageing – As men get older, their testosterone levels may decline by about 0.4%-1.6% a year after thirty. In women, levels will decline after menopause. In both sexes, a significant fall is marked by a lowering of libido, loss of muscle mass (often accompanied by a rise in body fat), lower bone density and a fall in general energy levels.

Certain diseases – There are certain conditions that lead to lowered testosterone levels even in younger men. Conditions associated with a lowered testosterone level include obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and depression. Quite often these conditions can occur together and having multiple disease states will have an even greater effect on testosterone levels. This is compounded again with age (many of these diseases also tend to occur more with increasing age.

Certain drugs – Several drugs and drug classes may decrease testosterone levels. Drugs like glucocorticoids, those used for chemotherapy etc. can lower the testosterone levels in the body.

Certain natural supplements like Good Nutrition’s Enhance & Elevate Sexual Wellness Tablet can help enhance testosterone levels with natural ingredients. Good Nutrition’s Enhance & Elevate Sexual Wellness Tablet contains Testofen, a patented Fenugreek extract standardised for 50% Fenuside, which is proven to naturally boost testosterone levels and thus sexual wellness


Good Nutrition

Clinical Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Educator

Nidhi Makharia Agarwal is a qualified nutritionist and dietitian, as well as a certified Diabetes educator, with 12+ years of experience in the field of nutrition. She has worked in various nutraceutical companies and also as a nutrition writer and practicing nutritionist. Nidhi started her training as an intern with the Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital and the Wadia Children Hospital in Mumbai. She has worked with a leading Indian nutraceutical company for 8 years. Currently, Nidhi has her own venture; The Aahar Clinic for healthy living, which she founded in 2018. She has also lent her expertise as a nutrition counsellor to a diabetes project co-initiated by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation and Indian Dietetic Association. Additionally, she works with food and nutrition start-ups as a nutrition consultant. Nidhi holds a Master’s degree in clinical nutrition and dietetics. She is also a certified diabetes educator. Nidhi is based in Mumbai.